Writing and communication are social acts that build and strengthen relationships. The Writing and Communication Center’s Vision is to create a campus-wide community of adept writers and speakers who learn from one-another in the practice and advancement of these skills.
All members of the Writing and Communication Center strive to create nonjudgmental spaces wherein students feel comfortable seeking and receiving feedback on their writing and communication skills. Please contact The Writing Program Director, Anna Eyre (anna.eyre@cnlawyer18.com) for more information.
The Writing and Communication Center provides the following services:
- Drop-in one-to-one tutoring in person and online for students at any stage of a writing or oral communication project
- An experienced professional consultant to assist English Language Learners and graduate students
- An ongoing workshop series that provides support for students with writing and communication tasks for specific classes in a small group atmosphere
- Weekend and evening tutoring by appointment
- Faculty writing pedagogy development (writing assignments, assessments, rubrics, etc.)
Where do I find a Writing Consultant?
The Writing and Communication Center is located in Library 303. Writing Consultants are also available online by appointment via Penji. We also have a Canvas course, titled “Writing Center” with updated hours and workshop schedules that any student can add to their Canvas homepage.
What are drop-in sessions?
Drop-in Library 303 without an appointment during drop-in hours. Sessions are nonjudgmental and usually about a half hour. At the beginning of a session, Writing Consultants will ask open-ended questions and listen to your answers to assist you in creating an agenda for the session. Writing Consultants first address how "global" concerns (purpose, reasoning, structure) impede or advance meaning before addressing how "local" concerns (sentence structure, mechanics, word choice) impede or advance meaning.
Can I make an appointment?
Yes, appointments for online or in-person sessions can be made 24 hours in advance on the Penji app (available on iOS or Android or at http://web.penjiapp.com/schools/acphs/communities/writing-center). Writing Consultants are available for appointments during drop-in hours and outside of them, including evenings and weekends.
How do I use Penji?
Check out the Penji FAQ's, below:
Can I meet with a writing consultant online?
Yes, you can meet with a tutor via Zoom by making an appointment on Penji.
Here are the Online Writing Tutoring Guidelines.
What can I work on?
Any professional, academic, or creative writing or presentation.
Should I only visit if I have a draft?
Whether you have a polished revision or haven't begun, you can work with a writing consultant. Please attend at any point in your process!
I am an English Language Learner, can the Writing Center help me?
Yes! We can help with writing and speaking in English. The professional writing consultant, Treven Santicola specializes in working with ELL students. We also offer a one-credit ELL course, Communications 105. Email: Treven.Santicola@cnlawyer18.com
Are there other English Language Learner Resources?
Yes! Please review the English Language Learner Resources page on the CSS Canvas Site.
Can the Writing and Communication Center help with presentations?
Yes! We have a large screen in a private study room, so you can practice delivering your presentation in a comfortable, supportive environment.